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Mona Lisa Art Supplies

Golden® GAC 800

Golden® GAC 800

Regular price $30.45 CAD
Regular price Sale price $30.45 CAD
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GAC 800: Reduced Crazing of Dried Films / Best for Direct Pouring.
Product Details:
- Most useful as an additive for acrylic paints when pours/puddles are desired. Most acrylics will craze, which is the formation of valleys that run through a pour/puddle nullifying the uniformity of the film. Such crazing is the result of shrinkage forces exerted during the drying process. GAC 800 stands alone in its resistance to such film discontinuity.
- Dries with good gloss and film flexibility, but with a slight "hazy" quality.
- Useful as a modifier when adhesion to chalky surfaces is desired.
Available in:
- 237ml/ 8 fl. oz. and 473ml / 16 fl. oz. Bottles
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